December 7, 2024
Date: Saturday December 7, 2024
Time: noon-3
Location: Private Event, members only.
Topic: Celebration of all things COFW and writing romance. Awarding pens to our members publishing their first novels, and awarding our member of the year. Congratulations, Member of the Year Marisa Dillon!
Details for this event will be available through the COFW Google Group email and the Facebook page.
Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at approx. 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom and Community Room at the Burkhardt Library, 4704 Burkhardt Ave., Dayton, OH 45403. This is a newer location for us, in the Dayton Metro Library System.
Speaker: Jules Bennett, in person (weather permitting, otherwise, Zoom)
Topic: Breathing Life Into Your Work
Make your characters and even your settings come to life with realistic descriptions. Fun concepts to make your manuscript stand out!
About our Speaker: USA Today Bestselling Author Jules Bennett has penned more than 100 contemporary romance novels since the start of her career. She knows a thing or two about love considering she met her husband when she was 14, dated him all through high school, and they have been married nearly 25 years. They have 2 teen girls and live in the Midwest with their rescue pup, Maggie. Jules loves to travel and spend time with her family. In her spare time, she’s a true crime junkie.
February 17, 2024
UPDATED Time, first time we are trying this:
- 12:00 pm, Networking
- 12:15 pm, Introductions & Incentives
- around 12:30-12:45 pm, Business meeting (we are not sure how long Intro & Incentives will take)
- 1:30 pm, Speaker
Location: Zoom and Hilliard Room of Hilliard Branch, Columbus Metropolitan Library, 4500 Hickory Chase Way, Hilliard, OH 43026
Speaker: Libby Waterford, via Zoom
Topic: Self Publishing Basics
The former President of the
Connecticut Chapter of Romance Writers of America®, Libby is also an instructor at the Westport Writers’ Workshop.
April 13, 2024
- 12:00 pm, Networking
- 12:15 pm, Introductions & Incentives
- around 12:30-12:45 pm, Business meeting (we are not sure how long Intro & Incentives will take)
- 1:30 pm, Speaker
Location: Zoom and NEW Location: Meeting Room of Urbana Public Library, 1060 Scioto St, Urbana, OH 43708-2228. Room is Just to the right as you enter the library.
Topic: Building a Following as a Writer Means Thinking Like a Business Owner
May 18, 2024
- 12:00 pm, Networking
- 12:15 pm, Introductions & Incentives
- around 12:30-12:45 pm, Business meeting (we are not sure how long Intro & Incentives will take)
- 1:30 pm, Speaker via zoom.
Location: Zoom and Huber Heights Library. 6243 Brandt Pike, Huber Heights, OH 45424. It’s on Brandt Pike, and a straight shot from the I-70 exit.
Speaker: Teri Wilson
Topic: Being Cute (and safe) Online
No, you don’t have to dance on TikTok to sell books. But you DO need a social media presence. In this workshop, we’ll explore the ways to build a social media identity that is authentically, uniquely YOU. And you just might sell some books and have fun at the same time.
June 15, 2024
- 12:00 pm, Networking
- 12:15 pm, Introductions & Incentives
- around 12:30-12:45 pm, Business meeting (we are not sure how long Intro & Incentives will take)
- 1:30 pm, Speaker
Location: Zoom and Whitehall Library, 4445 E Broad St., Columbus, OH 43213. We will be in Room 3. Directions from Dayton: I-70 to I-670 E in Columbus; I-670 E to 5th Avenue exit; turn right on 5th Avenue to Yearling Road; turn right on Yearling Road to Broad Street; turn left on Broad Street. Library will be on the right (south).
Speaker: Marisa Dillon, via Zoom
Topic: Instagram Business Account Basics
Would you like to earn more than hearts from your Instagram account? Learn what to include on your business account profile, including how to direct your followers to your books, website, and more in this presentation by Marisa Dillon.
About our Speaker:
Marisa Dillon’s fascination with historical places started at an early age. Add in a love of all things romantic, a passion for writing, and a fully charged laptop, and you’ll find her creating adventures not for the faint of heart.
Marisa is the author of The Ladies of Lore, a three-book Tudor romance series distributed by Soul Mate Publishing. And she will have a new Regency Era release this Spring called The Duchess Heist.
July 13, 2024
- 12:00 pm, Networking
- 12:15 pm, Introductions & Incentives
- around 12:30-12:45 pm, Business meeting (we are not sure how long Intro & Incentives will take)
- 1:30 pm, Speaker
Location: Zoom Community Room at Huber Heights Library. 6243 Brandt Pike, Huber Heights, OH 45424.
Speaker: Tobi Doyle & Sheila Redling, in person!
Topic: Build a mystery using the Intensive Genre Workshop Story Magic Cards.
Join Sheila Redling and Tobi Doyle for a workshop on building a mystery story. We’ll be using our Story Magic cards to help you create and understand what makes a mystery a mystery, how to create a story, and much more. Open to all, from curious writer to seasoned pro who just wants to brush up on their writing craft skills. Learn more about our
Story Magic cards on our website. Library rules prohibit us from making any sales at the library directly, but we know our members may get hooked on the cards after seeing them in action. We’ll have to figure out how to handle that need!
Tobi Doyle, A hybrid romance author, has published over a dozen romance books. She writes HEAs with heat and humor, romantic suspense, and cozy mysteries. She is the recipient of the 2022 Romance Writer of America PRO Mentor of the Year, and a Service Award for her work on RWA’s Pen to Paper, a guide to romance writing.
August 17, 2024
- 12:00 pm, Networking
- 12:15 pm, Introductions & Incentives
- around 12:30-12:45 pm, Business meeting (we are not sure how long Intro & Incentives will take)
- 1:30 pm, Speaker
Location: Zoom and Hilliard Room of Hilliard Branch, Columbus Metropolitan Library, 4500 Hickory Chase Way, Hilliard, OH 43026
Speaker: DiAnn Mills, via Zoom
Topic: How to Attract Book Clubs to You and Your Book
September 14, 2024
Time: Noon-3 p.m
- 12:00 pm, Networking
- 12:15 pm, Introductions & Incentives
- around 12:30-12:45 pm, Business meeting (we are not sure how long Intro & Incentives will take)
- 1:30 pm, Speaker
Location: Dayton Metropolitan Library, Vandalia Branch
Location Address:330 South Dixie Drive.
Room: Community Room
Speaker: Jen Devon, via Zoom
Topic: Voice in Dual POV Romance
In this workshop, Jen will talk about the ways she:
- Enhances characterization via POV techniques
- Differentiates character voice and internal monologue between multiple narrators / main characters
- Tailors the narrative to a particular POV
- Determines which character’s POV a chapter should be
- Deepens POV
October 19, 2024
- 12:00 pm, Networking
- 12:15 pm, Introductions & Incentives
- around 12:30-12:45 pm, Business meeting (we are not sure how long Intro & Incentives will take)
- 1:30 pm, Speaker
Location: Zoom and Columbus-area location TBD
Speaker: Siera London, via Zoom
Topic: Scenes & Sequels
Goal, motivation, and conflict aren’t enough. Great storytelling includes characters who battle and triumph—a dynamic mix of internal and external conflicts to reach their ultimate goal.
But unputdownable fiction is more than a GMC chart. How your character reacts to each challenge creates a three-dimensional persona whose fictional journey communicates a message of our human existence that resonates through a wide cross-section of readers.
November 16, 2024
- 12:00 pm, Networking
- 12:15 pm, Introductions & Incentives
- around 12:30-12:45 pm, Business meeting (we are not sure how long Intro & Incentives will take)
- 1:30 pm, Speaker
Location: Zoom and Dayton Burkhardt Public, 4704 Burkhardt Ave. Dayton, OH 45403. In the Community Room.
Speaker: Beth Morrow, in person!
Topic: Self-Care for the Creative Soul: How to Create a Mindfulness Practice to Support Your Writer Self
If you’ve ever dreaded facing the page, struggled with critical self-talk, writer’s block, or procrastination, you know there’s more to the writing process than getting words on the page. Learning to tune into the rhythms, flow, and habits of our unique process through mindful practices can help us avoid burnout and navigate the emotional challenges of embodying our creative self.
Bring your journal and join me for this inter-active workshop where we will cultivate an awareness and appreciation of what fuels our creative souls.