Dates, speakers, and whether we will be in person are subject to change. Speakers often Zoom in.
Time: Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at 1:30 pm
Zoom and Activity Room at the Woodbourne Library, 6060 Far Hills Avenue, Centerville, Ohio 45459
Speaker: Michelle McCraw, in person
Topic: Manage your Writing Like a Boss
Do you struggle with finding time and focus to do your writing? Do you have a writing project that’s languishing from neglect, but you just can’t muster the energy to pick it back up? Does your writing feel like an endless slog? Ever wish you could find more discipline for your writing?
Michelle will teach writers how to apply project management principles to their writing to gain more focus, organization, and discipline.

Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom meeting and Columbus Public Library South High Street Branch, 3540 S. High Street, Columbus, OH 43207
Speaker: Donna MacMeans, in person
Topic: How to Write a Sizzling Hot Sex Scene
Books across the centuries have included sex, or, at least alluded to it, in mysteries, mythical epics, and wartime journals. How is it that some writers, in describing this fundamental act, are known as authors of hot, steamy, sexy love scenes – while others are simply… adequate? Find out here!

Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom and Community Room at the Woodbourne Library, 6060 Far Hills Avenue, Centerville, Ohio 45459
Speaker: Scott Ellis, via Zoom
Topic: Audiobook Narration: Psst… Wanna Know the Secrets to Success?
Scott will walk through audiobook production, including these and more:
- Narrator & platform search
- Industry Lingo (especially as it relates to pricing and royalties)
- How to vet narrators
- Your responsibilities as the author
- Your questions on being your own narrator
Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at approx. 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom and Hilliard Room of Hilliard Branch, Columbus Metropolitan Library, 4500 Hickory Chase Way, Hilliard, OH 43026
Speaker: Beverly Jenkins, via Zoom
Topic: Ask Me Anything
This is your chance to ask the incredible Beverly Jenkins anything you want about writing.
She has been nominated for the NAACP Image Award in Literature, was featured both in the documentary “Love Between the Covers” and on CBS Sunday Morning.
Since the publication of Night Song in 1994, she has been leading the charge for multicultural romance, and has been a constant darling of reviewers, fans, and her peers alike, garnering accolades for her work from the likes of The Wall Street Journal, People Magazine, and NPR.

Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at approx. 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom and Activity Room at the Woodbourne Library, 6060 Far Hills Avenue, Centerville, Ohio 45459
Speaker: Alyssa Alexander, in person.
Topic: Secondary But Effective: Creating and Using Secondary Characters to Strengthen Your Plot

Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at approx. 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom and Meeting Room 2A of Hilliard Branch, Columbus Metropolitan Library, 4500 Hickory Chase Way, Hilliard, OH 43026
Speaker: Susan Gee Heino, in person
Topic: Cut Out the Middleman
Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at approx. 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom and Community Room at the Woodbourne Library, 6060 Far Hills Avenue, Centerville, Ohio 45459
Speaker: Tobi Doyle
Topic: Be Your Own Developmental Editor – Revisions with Book Maps
A book map is a visual guide to your book. It breaks your story down, chapter by chapter, scene by scene, so you can see exactly what you have—and what you don’t. It allows you to be your own developmental editor.
About our Speaker: A hybrid romance author, Tobi has published over a dozen romance books. She writes HEAs with heat and humor, romantic suspense, and cozy mysteries. She is the recipient of the 2022 Romance Writer of America PRO Mentor of the Year, and a Service Award for her work on RWA’s Pen to Paper, a guide to romance writing. She’s also the past President of RWA’s romantic suspense chapter, Kiss of Death, a member of Central Ohio Fiction Writers, West Virginia Writers and other local writing groups.
Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at approx. 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom and Gahanna Public Library, 310 Granville St., Gahanna, OH 43230
Meeting Room 3
Speaker: Louise Pachella, via Zoom
Topic: Do Dead Bodies Sit Up?: Accurately Portraying Death and Funerals
Louise Pachella will provide fundamental knowledge about dead bodies and mortuary procedures to help authors portray death accurately in their work. Attendees will learn about death processes and funeral preparation, including autopsies, embalming, methods of getting rid of a body, and ways to create problems for characters.
Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at approx. 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom and Community Room at the Burkhardt Library, 4704 Burkhardt Ave., Dayton, OH 45403. This is a new location for us, in the Dayton Metro Library System.
Speaker: Katherine Smits
Topic: Veterans in Fiction
Including veteran characters in your fiction will add depth, emotion, and realism to your work.
Discover how to incorporate veterans in your books to address challenges faced by these heroes and their families and relate these issues to larger societal themes.
Now she brings social work training and experience to her stories of mermaids, mages, and magical creatures.
Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at approx. 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom and Hilliard Room of Hilliard Branch, Columbus Metropolitan Library, 4500 Hickory Chase Way, Hilliard, OH 43026
Speaker: Lisa Thompson
Topic: High Crimes and Misdemeanors, with a Dash of Divorce.
Time: Networking at 12:00 pm, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at approx. 1:30 pm
Location: Zoom and Community Room at the Woodbourne Library, 6060 Far Hills Avenue, Centerville, Ohio 45459
Speaker: Otescia Johnson
Topic: Using the ‘F’ Word in Marketing (Fun)
You will learn techniques to make marketing fun, by mining what you know:
- Identify what makes your characters human
- Apply the breaking news angle
- One link leads to another
- Keep it Real
- Parties, Character Costumes, and Special Appearances.
- GIPHY Magic
Time: noon
Location: Private Event
Topic: Celebration of all things COFW and writing romance. Awarding pens to our members publishing their first novels, and awarding our member of the year.
Details for this event will be available through the COFW Google Group email.