This graphic is the headshot of Otescia Johnson (a black woman with short black hair). It's advertising the COFW Nov. 18, 2023 program she is presenting: Using the "F" Word in Marketing (Fun)

DATE & TIME   |   November 18th, 2023 – Social at 12:00 PM, Business meeting at 12:30 pm, Speaker at 1:30 pm or later–after the business meeting concludes.
LOCATION   |   Meeting will be Hybrid via Zoom and Community Room at the Woodbourne Library, 6060 Far Hills Avenue, Centerville, Ohio 45459. See below for further instructions.
TOPIC   | Otescia Johnson & Using the “F” Word in Marketing (Fun). Presenting via Zoom.

Using the “F” Word in Marketing (Fun)

Marketing should be a natural extension of the things that you already enjoy. 

What Attendees Will Learn: the ins and outs of making marketing fun, not that other word, including:

  1. Identify what makes their characters human and how to implement those traits into their marketing- i.e. A main character who is always late would be an excellent subject for social media memes but also gives readers a chance to make light of themselves. Authors will learn how to help readers see themselves in the characters.
  2. Apply the breaking news angle- No one wants to be the last one to hear about a news story and many people will often lie and say they’ve heard of something when they haven’t. Authors will learn to use FOMO as a conversation starter to promote their fiction books.
  3. One link leads to another- Authors will learn how to use links inside of Kindle eBooks as well as references to other works inside of their story.
  4. Keep it Real- Authors will learn how to incorporate the nuances of their fictional world into their marketing. For example, if the world ended on August 1, 2030 in their story, August 1st becomes a significant marketing day.
  5. Parties, Character Costumes, and Special Appearances- Now that the world is “back outside” authors have a unique opportunity to reconnect with fiction readers. Making special appearances at book club meetings, creating an Amazon list of items needed for character costumes, and book themed parties are all fun ways to engage readers without breaking the bank.
  6. GIPHY Magic- GIFS are still a fun and easy way to engage readers. Authors will learn how to use GIF touchpoints to connect with readers and promote their books including how to have GIFS created from their own books.


Attending Our Hybrid Meeting

Presentation is free for members and prospective members who have not yet visited for two complimentary meetings. For those members who cannot join us in person, join us via Zoom. The password will be posted in the Central Ohio Fiction Writers Google Group, and on the Central Ohio Fiction Writers Facebook page.

If you are not a COFW member and wish to attend this presentation via Zoom, email


About Our SpeakerOtescia Johnson is a black woman with short, black hair. She's wearing a magenta blouse, and is standing in front of a bookcase.

Otescia is the bestselling author of 12 published books and multiple screenplays. She is also a multi-gifted captivating orator who expertly navigates both religious and secular spheres. Her warm personality allows her to connect with listeners in a way that provokes thought while providing inspiration for personal growth. Though she holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Business Administration, Otescia is a creative at heart and has found a way to merge her creative passions with her savvy business skills. Not only does she run multiple companies of her own, Otescia travels teaching others how to turn their passions into revenue streams that provide for the lifestyle they were born to enjoy!

Contact Otescia: